By Julian on Monday, 12 January 2015
Posted in Shika
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Hi everybody,

I have Shika since a while and it is very difficult for me to create a lesson.
The reason is simple: The options!

- SCORM - I don´t use scorm
- - I don´t want to create an html-page offline and upload it.
- Tincan - I have no Idea what this is
- Video/Audio - I don´t want to limit the course to Videos. I want to create text.
- Documents - I want to have text online, not offline. In addition to that, it doesn´t work to upload a pdf
- Text & Media - The builder is not working.

I am heavily missing the two most easy solutions:
- Create a Lesson with the Joomla-Editor
- Use Joomla or K2-Articles as lessons

I think, this two options are the two most basic options and it makes very much sense for me to use them.
With that option, I can:

- Create a Lesson in the same way as every article in Joomla, so I am used to the Editor
- Use Plugins for Videos, Advertisements, Content-Restriction and much more
- Enhance the Editor with all the plugins that are used for Joomla-Editors
- (...)

So are there any planings about integrating this normal contend-editing instead of using the content-builder or external formats?

By the way, there comes another thought to my mind:
Can I use Advertisements in the lessons? I want to place (Joomla-) modules beside the lessons and I want to place Ads (SocialAds) inside of the lessons. Does this work?

All the best, Julian!
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