By Frank on Thursday, 30 July 2015
Posted in SocialAds
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I just saw an interesting product that uses AdAgency to put ads into the easysocial user timeline. As I think about it, this would be a great feature to have in SocialAds!

Here is a link to the product that uses AdAgency:

According to the information at the site:

"EasySocial is the #1 social extension for Joomla! Ad Agency is the #1 advertising extension for Joomla!

EasySocial AdAgency Plugin integrates Ad Agency into EasySocial for the absolute best ad management platform to earn you money! The new version of Ad Agency includes in stream ads (like Facebook) with Geo Targeting and allows advertisers to select, upload and pay for the type of ad campaign they want...

Geo Targeting
Keyword Targeting
Social Targeting"

While I agree that EasySocial is the #1 social extension, I'm more inclined to say that SocialAds is the best ad extension ... any chance you could consider adding this capability to SociailAds?

Frank J Kelly
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