By Stephane V on Thursday, 11 August 2016
Posted in JGive
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Hello there,

I'm almost done with the setup and everything is looking very good so far. thank you so much!

I have two quick questions... I set the currency for Japan.

1) How can I put the currency symbol on the right side of the amount?

円 100.00 (current - not ok)
100.00 円 (request - good))

This apply for campaigns layout pin and campaign details.

2) For Japanese amount, there is no " . " -> 円 0.00. How can I change the money format?

100.00 円 will be 100 円
1000.00 円 will be 1,000 円
10,000.00 円 will be 10,000 円
... 100,000 円
1,000,000 円 (one million yen)
10,000,000 円 (ten million yen)

So there is a " , " after 3 numbers.. no " . "

I checked the code a bit "$diplay_amount_with_format=$jgiveFrontendHelper->getFormattedPrice($cdata['campaign']->amount_received); " but I would like more help.

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