SocialAds was created with a clear & simple goal in mind - To help site owners make Money !  Everything - from making SocialAds easy to use for advertisers or the multitude of Targeting options & Ad formats to state of the art reporting has been built thinking about this. With the same goal in mind, we believe in creating new opportunities for you to increase your earnings. 

SocialAds from Techjoomla + EasyBlog

Creating great content is the cornerstone of any good website. Be it a News portal, an Online store, a Business website or a Social Network. Creating fresh new content regularly is great for SEO & not only helps get you new visitors but it also helps you retain & engage your audience. To help you do this, we introduce EasyBlog - the Awesome Blogging tool for Joomla made by our partner & friends at StackIdeas

Whats more, SocialAds plays really well with EasyBlog with some cool Ad positions that they have created specially for us !

EasyBlog is a supremely user friendly, clean & extensible Blogging solution for Joomla. With powerful features like Photo Blogs, Video Blogs, an Awesome media manager & more. EasyBlog is easily the best blogging tool for Joomla today ! 

If you have already invested in SocialAds, this is one investment that can help you take your earnings & traffic to the next level by helping you create new content easily & present in a fantastic way !