The Techjoomla Blog

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JTicketing 1.5 Alpha 1 Released!


We are pleased to announce the availability to JTicketing Alpha 1 for testing. This is another step towards an awesome new stable release for JTicketing. This release has 80% of the planned features of JTicketing 1.5.    So your input now is critical. Please help us test this release & file your bugs!  Thank you all who have contributed to test...

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JTicketing 1.5 is here with native events, attendee fields & more!


Hello All!

Extremely sorry for the long silence & recent delays in releases. Actually, we have been sitting on this release for almost 2 weeks now as we wanted to launch it on the new site. We have been working hard on this release for almost 2 months now & extensive work has gone into making it feature rich as well as rock stable.

Native Events Management, Extensive Field Manager, Attendee Field collection, Paypal Adaptive payments, Microdata & OG Tag support, a fresh new checkout process ... The list of features is long in this release. I am sure you are as excited as we are about this! 


To See the full details of this release, read on for the complete blog detailing each feature. The release is available immediately for all active subscribers. Not using JTicketing yet or Subscription expired?

!--Demo --> Buy Now

Read on to the full details of the release 

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JTicketing 2.1.2 is here!


In keeping with our commitment to ensuring our products are secure and bug-free, we are happy to bring you a security and maintenance release for JTicketing v.2.1.2. We have fixed a few bugs apart from fixing issues found in our audits.

Please read the release notes carefully before upgrading to the latest version as there are backward compatibility breaks if you are upgrading from 2.0.x or lower versions.

It is recommended you upgrade to the latest version of JTicketing as soon as possible to ensure you are on a secure version.

Buy JTicketing

Read on for the complete changelog.

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JTicketing 2.1 brings powerful reports powered by TJ Reports, a tighter Shika integration & integrated jLike


We are happy to bring you JTicketing 2.1 with mobile friendly user interface, major UI improvements, tighter integration with Shika and jLike integrated and bundled into the core extension. TJ Reports integration has brought powerful reports, the jLike integration brings a powerful blended User calendar and some great Classroom training features. This is just the tip of feature iceberg. We’ve managed to squeeze in quite a few things more than what we had promised in the roadmap blog !

Buy JTicketing Now!         View JTicketing Demo!

Read on to get the complete details on what this version brings. Make sure you read our release notes before you upgrade as backward compatibility breaks in this release.

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Security release updates for JTicketing, JGive and Invitex plus bug fix release for JBolo


We always aim to keep our customers’ sites free from any vulnerabilities, so our security team is continuously trying to make Techjoomla products safer. As a part of this, we recently discovered some issues with JGive, JTicketing and Invitex. An updated version for these 3 products is now available, and all our customers are requested to immediately upgrade to the newer versions.

Along with the security fixes, a few minor enhancements are included in some of the extensions. With these releases, we’re also making it easy for you to know if you’re using an old version. Additionally, we’re also making a bug-fix release for JBolo.

Read on for more information regarding the exciting renewal discount.

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JTicketing 2.1 Roadmap is here !


Thank you for the fantastic response from all of you on the JTicketing 2.0 release. We are happy to bring you the roadmap for the changes planned in the immediate next release - JTicketing 2.1.

This release is basically a follow up release to complete some features that were originally planned for 2.0 but could not be completed in time for the release and there are some really exciting things in there. One of the major focus areas of this release are a tighter integration with jLike and Shika among other things. This release will also bundle jLike as a core part of jTicketing for free !

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JTicketing 2.0.14 is here!


In keeping with our commitment to ensuring our products are secure and bug free, we bring you a security and maintenance release for JTicketing v.2.0.14. Besides fixing issues found in our audits, we have also fixed a few bugs. Please read the release notes carefully before upgrading to the latest version. It is recommended you upgrade to this vers...

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JTicketing 2.0 is here with brand new designs, activity stream and much more!


We are ecstatic to announce the release of JTicketing 2.0 - the fantastic event management extension for Joomla. Besides a host of new features, this release brings in a fresh new look and the release of some great ‘Infrastructure Extensions’ which empower this release in a big way! This is a major release. Make sure you read the release notes before you upgrade ! The AppCarvers team has also released a new version of the Event Manager’s app which you will need to upgrade to.

To celebrate this release, we are are offering a 15% discount on JTicketing Purchases. This discount is valid till 28th July 2017.

Coupon Code-JT20RLS

Buy Now | See the Updated Demo

Read on for the full list of features.

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JTicketing 2.0 Roadmap is here!


The release of JGive 2.0 was just the first in the fresh new UI/UX first approach at Techjoomla. We are overwhelmed with your response and feedback on this release. Thank you for your support !                                
On this background, we would like to introduce the next iteration for JTicketing - version 2.0. Besides a fresh new look, this release will bring forth some fantastic ‘infrastructure’ extensions that we have been working on for the last few months. And yes JTicketing 2.0 is a full rewrite & as in the case of JGive only supports Bootstrap 3.  

Note: JTicketing 2.0 will support Joomla version 3.6.5 and above

Read on for the full scope of what you can expect to come in JTicketing 2.0 !

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JTicketing 1.9 is here with better URL routing and more !

JTicketing 1.9 is here with better URL routing and more !

While our team works on the big and beautiful JTicketing 2.0, we bring you an interim update in version 1.9 with PHP 7.1 compatibility, a better URL router as well as improvements in field based advanced filtering with TJ Fields integration. Besides this we have fixed quite a few bug fixes and added a default Zoom value for the Google Map display o...

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JTicketing 1.8.2 Maintenance release

JTicketing 1.8.2 Maintenance release

A feature packed event booking system with a native event manager and integration for EasySocial Events, Jomsocial Events and JEvents. Also features an Android and iOS app for event organisers! Checkout the improvements! Changelog: Task : + #86827 Assign event creator as a host on ADC+ #86691 Event create - add an adobe connect validation for onlin...

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Quick2Cart 2.9.1, JGive 1.9.2 and JTicketing 1.8.5 is here with advanced field based filtering!

Quick2Cart 2.9.1, JGive 1.9.2 and JTicketing 1.8.5 is here with advanced field based filtering!

We are delighted to announce the release of Quick2Cart 2.9.1, JTicketing 1.8.5 & JGive 1.9.2. The reason behind the joint announcement is that 'TJ Fields' an extension all of these products share for field management, has got a major architectural upgrade. This upgrade brings extensive field based filtering for Products, Events and Campaigns re...

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Online Events, Venues and more with JTicketing 1.8!

Online Events, Venues and more with JTicketing 1.8!

JTicketing v1.8 is here and there’s even more to it than meets the eye! Which is why this blog will delve deep into all the awesome stuff it brings forth. Key highlights of this release include Venue Management and Support for Online events via Adobe Connect.

Initially the major focus of this release was to enable our Learning management system - Shika to support ‘Classroom trainings’ as part of its Blended learning feature. We eventually added quite a lot more that enriched not only JTicketing but also added a lot of value add to Shika.  

Existing subscribers can download the new release right away from the Downloads area. If you are not a Subscriber yet, we would love to see you onboard! As a special treat on account of this release, we are giving a 10% discount to all new Buyers.

Use the code: JTROCKS

Expires on 5th August

For people renewing before the renewal date, an automatic discount of 20 or 25% (based on you are renewing a 6 month or a 12 month subscription) is applied. 


Buy JTicketing Now!         Checkout the Demo!

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JTicketing 1.8 with amazing new features. Alpha Out now!

JTicketing 1.8 with amazing new features. Alpha Out now!

JTicketing 1.8 is getting you some amazing features. With this release we will be opening doors for all the event organizers who wish to have pre-booking for all their Online Events. So, let's see.. What do we have in here? Online- Offline Events (By virtue of venue) Creating an event has always been a piece of cake in JTicketing. However, with int...

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JTicketing 1.8 roadmap

JTicketing 1.8 roadmap

JTicketing, one of the most reliable event ticketing extension for Joomla is getting a new update soon. After a lot of feature requests and keeping the market demand in mind we have com up with these amazing additions that you'll get with JTicketing 1.8. Before you read what all is lined up for the future release, quickly have a look ...

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